Monday, February 22, 2010

Caucasian Bollywood

Guess what I found? This video is wrong on so many levels and just plain out of control. But I'm not going to pretend that I don't get like this often. At least once a week. This video features two married couples and a single (now Missionary) female. We decided to make a movie. What can we say except that, "with all the forces combined" (shout out to Captain Planet) we made an unforgettable movie this weekend night. Its all about the shock value, so be shocked. Its weird, its politically incorrect, its ridiculous, but most of all it was a blast. Enjoy!


  1. OH. MY. GOSH. if this is what i think it is, you are toast young lady!!!
    : ) the video wouldn't work but just by your description i can safely say i know what it is and i can't wait to see it. hahahahahahaha aoh my gosh how embarassing. get it workin sista!!! love you!

  2. WOW! All I can say is, Shiloh, I am so glad we're friends.

  3. i am SOOOOO bright red right now!!! HOW EMBARASSING!!! i think the most embarassing part is that we weren't drunk or high or anything, and we weren't laughing at all!!! we were serrrrriious!!!! aahahahahhaa (that's me fake crying). i SO hope people who know me don't see this. ; )
