Sunday, February 7, 2010


Okay--ahem--is this thing working? Testing testing one-two-three. I have never claimed to blog, but apparently everyone and their surfboard here in Hawaii has one. Not to mention my good friends the Sines. So for all of you encouraged me to do this, here is a shout-out. Bethany sines...yo! Nancy da woman! Alyse Thomson...made this possible toots! To all of you who said it couldn't be may still be right. We will have to wait and see. Seth just told me he has no idea what a blog is. I don't know if I do either but someone once said that you shouldn't fear anything except for fear itself...and in my opinion raw eggs too. So here we goooooooo...


  1. hahahahaha i agree about the fearing raw eggs part. terrifying. you won't regret blogging!! (unless you use it for bad things, and stay on all the time) but other than that it's grrrreat!! go to my blog and find all your old friends (if there are any you like) and follow their blogs.

  2. btw, i like the random fish swimming at the bottom of your page

  3. YAY! You finally have a dang blog now Shiloh... good for you. You'll get the hang of it, but you really need to put some pics of you guys in Alaska on here and now your amazing ones in Hawaii for sure. Hey, did you ever get a close up pick with you and a huskie dog? I WANNA SEE SOME PICS GIRLLllllllllllll peace
    Ash Felix

  4. After being on the WWW for over 17 years ...this is the best blog I have ever come across. I am nominating your site for: Best Blog of The Year.
    . . .and NO. Bethany didn't put me up to this. I have never met Bethany. In fact, I have never met a Bethany in my life. In fact, I couldn't even spell Bethany if you gave me a hundred dollars. I have never ever used a camera so there is no way I know Bethany. In fact, I don't believe I know any people whose name starts with a B. Well there is my Grandma Maudie on my dad's sisters side, they used to call her, Birdie, but nicknames don't count. So you have to believe that I know nothing about blogging either. In fact, I don't even own a computer or a smart phone or nothing. In fact, I can't even type or spell so that pretty much eliminates me from even knowing somebody I have ever met. Well, that's not totally true, I did have lunch with Bethany's mom once at the diner downtown off of 3rd st. But we were not sitting in the same booth. I was at the counter and she was with friends in the banquet room next door but it did seem like we were pretty close although it was really noisy in there. So I just wanted to say I check your blog every 15 minutes or so just to keep up on the news. Been kinda slow lately I notice, I may have ti throttle back a bit and check it once every half hour. Well gotta go,
