Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Trip Down Memory Lane...

So I thought it would be nice show some wonderful memories of the past. Well, actually let's say just within the last three years since Seth and have been together. So enjoy! Above is a photo of all my parents (yes in the same room) at my graduation dinner in Idaho Falls. We were getting ice cream in a parlor I can't remember the name of. It was actually a blast and Isaac (Seth's brother) was the only Potter missing.

Ode to Comic Frenzy! I love these people, literally, all of them and would do anything to relive some of the most hilarious and dramatic improv moments we had with one another. Yesssssss!

My graduation was probably the happiest I've ever been (besides my wedding) in my whole entire life! I know I've only lived a few short years but to have both my mom and dad there and have everyone just be there for families sake was incredible. Yes...I look like my mother.

Now what can I say about Gibby (my sister's dog). She is a Jack Russel and we dressed her up in her play clothes. Hee hee she has way too much energy for me, but you can't help but fall in love with her.

Seth's pride and joy (I think I come second). This was our brand new truck and we both felt like a million bucks! The shot was taken in front of Seth's family house in Lyman, Wyoming.

Hannah look out! The Potter family have the best definition of fun I've decided. Here Seth's sister Hannah was used as a human bowling ball on a wheelie chair and catipulted into a school of chairs. We could play at Seth's Dad's (Layne) elementary school for hours.

Joanne, Seth's Mom knows how to make her house a home. This is just a shot of the top of their barn.

Okay so this is we have our good friends Riley and Chelsea from Rexburg, Idaho at my surprise Birthday Party at Joe and Bethany Sines' house. Yes they put it on for me...SHOUT OUT! Okay, so while everything was taking place (we were loud) Chelsea was asleep, THE WHOLE TIME! See below for the action that took place on this very special night.

Shiloh dressed up for the crowd...

...and so did Seth.

Then Joseph (Seth's bro) decided to play "Rollin' Dobbies" with Seth on the floor. Can we guess who won? There was so much more, but o so little time.

Yeah, this was Seth's and mine first Christmas together! Little baby Charlie Brown tree and our sad presents. I loved it!

Yeah! Thanksgiving at the Potter's where every dinner is a theme dinner. So Joanne had this politically correct idea of dressing everyone up as Indians and Pilgrims.

More photos outside the Potter house. 

You are the Dancing Queen...Seth and Joe Sines. We had many nights of frivilous activity with the people in Rexburg.

Like this one here. Theme murder mystery party at Marcie and Joseph's. Notice where Joseph's hand is placed. 

We played our characters well. I was a secretive secretary and Seth was a rich business man named Pro. I know this cause he probably said his own name about a billion times during the course of the night.

Ohhh, yes the pantalones. Seth looks great in my eighties pants.

...and so do I! Meet Stacey, my 80's secret identity!

This is Deborah, my arch nemesis and sometimes best friend.

A fruit pizza I made for Seth on his Birthday! I'm not one to brag, but yes this was delicious and yes I'm one to brag.
We like to play the game where you shake your head as hard as you can and take ugly photos of it. Stinking hilarious. These are our friends Cami and Blair Eyre (yes pronouced 'air' it rhymes).
For a creative date, Seth and I went on a canoe trip and ended up in the brush. We are so adventurous!
Seth's graduation!
Playing on our new Mac desktop was hours of endless fun! I can't stop laughing when I look at this photo.
Our first apartment together after we were married. So excited to decorate and Seth was excited to get a sleep in.
I was always kind of a chicken and Seth was so upset with me for not going down this hill faster. I put the brakes on the whole time and was very scared. I miss my orange gloves!
Our honeymoon took place on New Year's and we took this photo. 
Our trip to Waterton in Glacier National Park came to an abrupt stop when my sister Amy accidentally fell in the glacier water. That other guy is BJ a highschool friend from Taber, Canada. I love that we documented it.
Brown chicken brown cow! The Potter brothers at their best climbing the wild mountains of Idaho. From left to right Joseph, Isaac, and Seth.
Oh Adam, how could I forget you! The Potter family went go-karting and they were told that whenever you ran into trouble you were to raise your hand. Adam, literally ran into trouble.
I love my mommy! Oh this was taken right before Seth and I met at a Christmas 2006 in Kewlona, Canada.
Oh, we climbed up to a waterfall called X'tu falls in B.C. Canada at one of my hometowns.
A silly string fight in the Potter's backyard.
One of my favorite rolls in House of Bernarda Alba by Garcia Lorca. I loved my makeup!
Good ol' Seth riding off into the sunset on his Tennesee Walking Horse Kusco. He was the one to brake and train him in Rexburg, Idaho.


  1. Oh my, You guys crack me up!! I'm so glad you posted those pictures, I feel like I know you guys a little better. :) I think that my favorite was Seth in your eighties pants! amazing.

  2. I am so glad 1) You started a blog and 2) That I found it!!! I am excited to keep up with your adventures!!

  3. LOVE this post!!! what fun things to read!! i'll be honest, i hate reading blogs now for some reason, but never ceases to amaze me. ; ) hahahahahah SOOOOO many pics that made me die laughing.....joe's hand ALWAYS on marcie's butt, adam totally under all the tires, deborah during 80's night, seth in your 80's night pants.......sigh. so good!!!!
